WooCommerce Gold Partner

About the Client Company

I’d like to share our recent experience to work with WooCommerce Gold partner & our unique methodology & tools to execute the project smoothly.

Client Needs & Requirements

To Achieve Good Code Quality & for project management, we use tools like W3 Validation, JSLint & Teamwork, Google Workspace, basecamp respectively.

Let’s glance on our wide array of Expertise on GoogleForm, Membership site, WooCommerce & LMS.

Our Take on the Challenges

GForm Expertise

  1. Staff management: . Sign on through their mobile phones, QR Code to access the form
  2. Data Collection: Name, Numbers, Location, Shift-timing
  3. Report sheet: Payroll spreadshit to check staff’s invoice

Membership site Expertise

  1. Site Development: Using BuddyPress, Elementor, Learndash, Gamification etc.
  2. Subscription Module: Manage & Track the subscription, sales, and marketing activities.
  3. Automated billing system – Grants or revokes payment based on payment status.

LMS Expertise

  1. Technology Integration:- LMS Integration with CRM, ERP, HRM
  2. LMS eCommerce Integration:- Integration with WooCommerce & Magento
  3. Performance Optimization:- Application Server Infrastructure



Our other work is www.essentialplugin.com with 15000 Pro customers worldwide enjoying our WordPress Plugins

We want to work exclusively on High End WordPress projects. Our Consultants & constant learning are around exclusively working on High End WordPress projects. 10up, event-event, codable is on our constant radar for achieving high end standards in WordPress projects.

Your one-stop WordPress solution.
Let’s do zoom call or directly call us on + 1 302 667 9191 to talk through about your WordPress requirement.

End Results
